⎕ ⍆

Osiągnięcie «Unobtanium Miner»

Cool Items Set   200  

You need to get in any way except trading at least 20 units of inventory in the inventory! Attention! At the start of execution and upon its successful completion, all anobtany will be deleted from your inventory! In the case of any transactions on the purchase / sale of Anobtania during the passage of the achievement, it will be failed!

Najszybsze ukończenie (w godzinach)

2021-06-16 17:49:02
2021-05-23 20:28:57
2020-09-04 00:44:16
2023-10-17 19:57:32
2020-03-09 16:20:41
2020-10-02 03:20:43
Ioanna 43
2020-01-17 15:07
ignatignat asked for

Polub + 6     0
today 50 Solver Rank
2020-01-17 20:31

Polub + 3     0
Lysva 44
2020-01-17 22:06
Yes! Yes! This is it!

Polub + 5     0
Lysva 44
2020-01-17 22:17
"in any way except for trade"
i.e. receiving the prize is also included in this top 20. How tempting, but only recently made an extra 3 Grand Anastasia. Where to put them now? Urgently need to get rid of them itching to pass this monster

Polub + 3     4
olenenok 50 Solver Rank  2020-01-17 22:19 + 3
You do not what to do Anastasia ignat
Lysva 44  2020-01-17 23:01 + 3
"wow what a price"
lower prices. Clearance sale! And that's all!
Pokaż wszystkie komentarze
Lysva 44
2020-03-09 17:30

Polub + 9     3
nettaly 52  2020-03-09 19:12 + 3
Congratulations :)
katerinafm 43  2020-03-09 19:31 + 4
Congratulations!!!flows vinner:fly by Lf; Even could not imagine that someone could do that!!!
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2020-03-09 20:48 + 1
vk218903606 48
! #434533   2020-06-24 11:31
I did it,yay ! ! ! Thank,Support,for the interesting game !

Polub + 11     17
Lena2020 48  2020-06-24 11:32 + 5
vk218903606 48  2020-06-24 11:36 + 5
Lena2020,thank ! rose
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milutin03 56 Solver Rank
2021-05-21 18:34

I try to activate this achievement.

this message apear:

Is it a bug remain from pre april 2021 era?

The walf of Wall Street doesnt exist any more.

Polub + 3     3
anikina 54  2021-05-21 18:58 + 3
This achievement and several others ("Metallurg", "Menagerie", etc.) have long been removed.
t98743235 53 Solver Rank  2021-05-21 20:46 + 3
Уважаемый @support!
Действительно, это что теперь уже никто не сможет это достижение пройти? what obida
А то я тут всё чего-то собираю-собираю всяких ресурсов...
milutin03 56 Solver Rank  2021-05-23 20:38 + 2

Thanks to Support.

Achievement is now free to activate.
t98743235 53 Solver Rank
! #499641   2021-06-16 18:18

Я теперь тоже в клубе Добытчиков Анобтания.. smutil

Инвентарь выжат почти досуха.
Но кое-что осталось даже в избытке

Овца 3f06e7515163b92 2021-09-16 Count30
Свинья c9c034d0ce21e43 2021-09-16 Count30
Курица 7861bc41dc1fed4 2021-09-16 Count30
Зелень aa5946198674842 2021-09-16 Count30
Шерсть 6c97c7b3869b4f0 2021-09-16 Count30
Мясо 658d691d967d568 2021-09-16 Count30
Соль cb58346233c8163 2021-09-16 Count30

Разбирайте! solnce

Polub + 24     14
anikina 54  2021-06-16 18:24 + 4
t98743235, спасибо! thankyou thankyou thankyou
anikina 54  2021-06-16 18:29 + 5
t98743235, поздравляю!!!
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