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Fragments of nature and the cosmos

2020-01-23 21:44 B8831388 Etapy12 T16 B4 S5 G13  

Misja #723. Simple and quick puzzle to guess the snippet with pictures of nature and space

Polub + 9 Nie lubię - 0

Stan: Nie jesteś częścią tej misji
LauraMenshikova Online 54 Solver Rank
2020-01-24 01:17
Very simple in execution, yet very beautiful collection. Thank you! rose

Polub + 3     0
22yjz 50 Solver Rank
2020-02-02 22:27
Thanks for the mission! rose

Polub + 3     0
ibartoh1101 38 Solver Rank
2020-05-20 08:00

Polub + 0     0
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