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Rubies Of The Philippines

2019-12-18 00:38 anikina Etapy101 T40 B8 S3 G8  

Misja #630. The mission with the Filipino crosswords small size. Each gives the Red crystal. The mission will help to implement in - game achievements \"Universal solvers\", \"lords of puzzles\" and \"Drop 1\".

Polub + 8 Nie lubię - 0

Stan: Nie jesteś częścią tej misji
LauraMenshikova Online 54 Solver Rank
2020-02-11 23:12
Another Philippine mission behind! Thanks to the author for a significant step forward in the Achievement. flows

Polub + 2     1
anikina 54  2020-02-11 23:50 + 2
LauraMenshikova, thanks for the comment!!! flowers flows flows
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