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Happy birthday Tag

2019-11-24 16:47 olenenok Etapy24 T8 B0 S2 G6  

Misja #546. This mission prepared for the eighth birthday of the site. The most luxurious cakes presented in a mission to Tag with numbers (different sizes).

Polub + 3 Nie lubię - 0

Stan: Nie jesteś częścią tej misji
olenenok 51 Solver Rank
! #371581   2019-11-25 16:04
For fans of Polyominoes - puzzles festive mission to the birthday website.

Polub + 6     16
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-11-25 16:11 + 3
mostanina 46  2019-11-25 18:57 + 3
Thank you!serdceroseroserose
I on Saturday as I activate GRANDMASTER (Unrealistic drop) and perreau all the holiday missions!shocking
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