For English-speaking users: Nu, pogodi! (Russian: Ну, погоди! = Well, Just You Wait!) is a Soviet/Russian animated series (1969 - 2006).
The series follows the comical adventures of a mischievous yet artistic Wolf (Волк), trying to catch - and presumably eat - a hare, Bunny (Заяц). The original film language is Russian, but very little speech is used, usually interjections or at most several sentences per episode. The series' most common line is the titular "Nu, pogodi!", recited by the wolf when his plans fail.
This picture is from the cartoon in which Bunny played Father Frost (Slavic fictional character, who brings presents to children and often delivers them in person on New Year's Eve), while Wolf decided to play Frost's granddaughter and helper - Snegurochka (Снегурочка = Snow Maiden).