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Svetlana from Zhitomir...

pushinka24 50
2020-05-14 07:38
Svetlana from Zhitomir, I am amazed by Your ability. Have often seen You for a minute solve a puzzle with the Drop 5. Well done! Not everyone will turn out well.

Polub + 2     5
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-05-14 11:03 + 2
Here IS a 1 min 45 sec?
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2020-05-14 12:06 + 1
wall nuuuu suuper hero
bear08 47 Solver Rank  2020-05-14 12:08 + 2
I only have one question: why the administrator does not respond?
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-05-14 13:43 + 2
to admin I saw, it is necessary active link to leave @Support
better to write on the forum and not in the tape
Support 44  2020-05-18 14:58 + 2
using the clues can be solved very quickly. however, to do so indefinitely will not work, tips are expensive.
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