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Internetowa łamigłówka «Count me in»

2020-06-06 00:00:00
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  Obszary jednolitego koloru: 6%


Zagadka «Relatives of the cat» Zagadka «Dinner is served» Zagadka «Blackie and Redhead» Zagadka «Kitten and flowers» Zagadka «Kittens and fish» Zagadka «Florist» Zagadka «Black cat» Zagadka «Cat the cookery specialist» Zagadka «Enough for all» Zagadka «Cat in basket» Zagadka «Posleobedenniy otdih» Zagadka «Cat cooking»

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vk218903606 48
2020-06-06 13:17
Tane4ka, "Think too much "bokeh" - almost the only kitten in focus..." - too much bokeh does not happen ignat this up for professional photographers.They're not for toys do these pictures ! All right,here the main character the center of attention. )

Polub + 0     5
vk218903606 48  2020-06-06 13:20 + 1
PS But what is a cat-a handsome man will cry ! ! ! tanec2
Tane4ka 50 Solver Rank  2020-06-06 17:44 + 4
So You said to yourself: "not for toys" :) I have nothing against professional photographers or their photos, but for puzzles and derived puzzles, i.e. "toy" such pictures are, in my opinion, are not suitable.
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