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Internetowa łamigłówka «Autumn dream»

2018-11-08 00:00:00

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Autumn dream

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#cat #leaf #autumn #dream   Obszary jednolitego koloru: 0%


Zagadka «Kitten on tree stump» Zagadka «Kitty» Zagadka «Lynx on a tree» Zagadka «Two Lynx» Zagadka «Lynx in the winter» Zagadka «Lynx» Zagadka «Cat in flowers» Zagadka «Wild cat» Zagadka «Lynx and kitten» Zagadka «Cat in tree» Zagadka «Kittens» Zagadka «kosha»

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mumof Online 42 Solver Rank
2018-11-08 23:50

Polub + 0     0
lena517 35
2018-11-09 08:47

Polub + 0     0
frezi282 35
2018-11-09 12:48

Polub + 0     0
Grozni 31
2018-11-09 14:07

Polub + 0     0
Liousy 31
2018-11-09 20:22
Great brain teaser! Thank you! roseroserose
Living on earth beings of unearthly beauty
I think you guessed it -
They are graceful,
video musical
And everyone knows, they
Who will bend
and twist it?
Who to climb on branches and roofs of a whale?
to Teach them solfege for a long time is not necessary,
in the Spring they sing us a Serenade.
But you think by hitting the Tom-Tom,
What a joy to cats?
Cats can't stand the Madding crowd,
Studs to the sages of the East "you".
Living on earth beings of unearthly beauty
I think you guessed it -

Polub + 5     1
nettaly 52  2018-11-09 20:47 + 0
Спасибо за поэзию! solnce
gst7348542 24
2019-01-08 11:14

the seals bring to life the joy!solncesolncesolnce

Polub + 0     0
11051949 6
2019-01-28 14:13
Люблю я всех этих усатых-полосатых!

Polub + 0     0
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