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Internetowa łamigłówka «Before the storm»

2020-06-12 00:00:00

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Before the storm

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Switzerland, Waldenburg. #Switzerland   Obszary jednolitego koloru: 1%


Zagadka «The sun and shadows» Zagadka «The mountains and the road» Zagadka «The Landscape Of Tuscany» Zagadka «Connemara region» Zagadka «forest blue» Zagadka «Rural landscape» Zagadka «Waterfall in the forest» Zagadka «The sky is overcast» Zagadka «The Hills Of Switzerland» Zagadka «And in front of the fog» Zagadka «Evening» Zagadka «Cypress Trees Of Tuscany»

Podobne puzzle Find Duplicates

Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790 Zagadka #46790

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nettaly 52
2020-06-12 12:25

Polub + 3     0
ksannlis 21
2020-06-13 22:39
As always work nettaly great , the theme works nettaly very diverse . Thank you nettaly for quality and cognition shots .

Polub + 4     1
nettaly 52  2020-06-13 23:07 + 3
Thanks for the feedback :) I Try! medal
I Invite to collect another puzzle of Switzerland:
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