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Internetowa łamigłówka «Garden landscapes»

2020-02-29 00:00:00

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Garden landscapes

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Zagadka «House» Zagadka «Pinokkio» Zagadka «Dress for Cinderella» Zagadka «one piece» Zagadka «Kesha the parrot» Zagadka «Bunny girl» Zagadka «Safiya» Zagadka «Gintoki and Shoyo» Zagadka «Varian» Zagadka «Gang» Zagadka «Battle pandas» Zagadka «Kolobok»

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Tverianka 49 Solver Rank
2020-02-29 14:15
LANDSCAPE (French paysage, from pays - area), type, picture of any locality; the fine art genre in which the main subject of the image - the nature, including the types of cities
still life
(FR. nature morte, ital. natura morta, literally - dead nature; eng. still life, literally - quiet or still life), a genre of fine arts dedicated to the image of surrounding things, are placed, usually, in a real household environment and composition organized in a single group.

Polub + 3     3
nettaly 52  2020-02-29 22:53 + 2
I was always in this vein, wondered why the pictures of type "bouquet + mountain fruit + parrot" also called "still life". O_o
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2020-02-29 23:18 + 3
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2020-02-29 23:19 + 3
oil paintingsmeh
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