How lovely. Went to see che it is necessary for him )
2019-12-13 20:17
2019-12-13 21:03
Cat stared, unblinking, Me intently in the eye. this is not Khayal. have a look that mill. I feel sorry for justified, Knowing what's wrong. And, ulaga skirmish As ever, was with him corny.
Polub 5 1
2019-12-13 22:20
Thank you very much
2019-12-14 00:01
Wonderful! the Interest of solving (especially in the final round and went bright cells) voltage comparable to reading a good detective. Since the form of a cat and asks for help, I want to wrap in a towel and put to sleep... If possible, please draw a continuation of warm and fluffy ending
Polub 5 0
2020-01-23 07:13
The head still had to break))
Polub 2 1
2020-01-23 15:46
Well, have you tried to buy a real cat?! So the YAK difficult
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