"the Commander Spoke about the Colonel and about Pocovnicu about the Colonel and about Podpolkovniku about Lieutenant and about Perucica about Lieutenant and about Podporujici about the Ensign about PaperSize about the Ensign , and about Pagpapalit silent!"
why SILENT????
Polub 7 6
2020-02-06 05:09
tongue twisters not talk not previsualise
2020-02-06 05:13
Skorogovorok have skorogovorki was starovarvarivka with all tongue twisters not personologist not personalijuhtimise But zakarevicius have viscerosomatic that all patters will personologist, personalijuhtimise. And jump patters, as carp in the pan.
2020-02-06 06:22
And there is also a test of the degree of intoxication, "Sirenevka zubavicovirevatelnitza" He tried, if tipsy "serenamente" can't pronounce, it's useless
2020-02-06 06:53
Yes, I think this sober not to utter, especially the second word
2020-02-06 12:35
One was a case in the distant Macau: Monkey Koala in the cocoa dipped, Koala cocoa lazily lapped Monkey dipped, Koala hiccupped.
Monkey Koala cocoa dipped. Koala cocoa lazily lapped... Why macaque Koala dip In cocoa, face down, forced to keep?
it may Be the Koala asked her, Cocoa lap, just like that, so no power... And the muzzle down to lap up more interesting Monkey dunks, singing loudly the song...
Until the evening so they had fun, While cocoa together not drunk!!! Monkey Koala caught by the tail. cocoa dunks again in full growth.
Monkey Koala caught the ears. the Koala to get out again on dry land.
2020-02-06 12:53
Those who say tongue twisters - skorogovorok. Those who learn the skill of skorogovorok skorogovorki. Those who love to read skorogovorki StorageGroupCopy. Those who hate StorageGroupCopy StorageGroupCopy. Those who eat StorageGroupCopyStatus StorageGroupCopyStatus. Those who are fighting with StorageGroupCopyStatus антискороговоруноведофилофобофаги. Those who pretend to be for антискороговоруноведофилофобофагов квазиантискороговоруноведофилофобофаги!
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