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(The rate drop x5)- Букетх

vk218903606 48
! #396769   2020-02-16 07:46
(The rate drop x5)- Букетх2 ...............COOL ! ))))))))))))))))))) wall

Polub + 5     6
vk218903606 48  2020-02-16 07:51 + 6
From 15-20 consecutive games (puzzles,three in a row,Mahjong) at 5 K. the drop of the items had only paper.........TIN ! downdowndown It's not super drop,and dull drop.
natali062013 47 Solver Rank  2020-02-16 08:58 + 5
Recently in the puzzles I don't fall anything at all, even torg:
Lena2020 48  2020-02-16 09:31 + 6
All I understood from the posts of the admin on this subject, we all have more to sell and buy and will be all happy in the form of objects, I sometimes try to bribe something out of good intentions and not to hoard cash reserves, but rarely :)
vk218903606 48  2020-02-16 11:29 + 4
Lena2020,"All I understood from the posts of admin on the subject,..."-we all need to tighten their belts ! zagovor we already passed.poklon2
Vovka 32  2020-02-16 12:47 + 7
У меня полно такогоprikol самые "щедрые" я коллекционируюignat
pushinka24 50  2020-02-16 14:27 + 6
I also collect "GENEROUS" prizes at high ratio of drop. But calm yourself, "That's the game, free to play!" No luck in the Game, so lucky in life! I wish you all good luck!
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