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...Sokoban... to Solve every puzzle within 5 days

Lysva 44
! #399170   2020-02-23 23:39
" ...Sokoban..."
"to Solve every puzzle within 5 days."
- that's just 1 Sokoban I for 5 days. And not the fact that will fit into the specified time

Polub + 5     4
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-24 00:12 + 2
Lysva electro so you can't play games directly from it psih
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-24 00:29 + 2
smeh the truth in another tournament a little confused
richik 46 Solver Rank  2020-02-24 10:39 + 3
I already direct was proud when she managed to solve it ignat
tetra 45 Solver Rank  2020-02-24 13:23 + 3
I'll sign up. There is a good incentive and sufficient time to finally learn how to solve Sokoban. And there's a chance I'd like it. Because on the website all the tournaments, it is contest of speed, speed and speed again. Moreover, the speed of movement of the hand. Only Sokoban offers to think a bit. bookemc
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