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Wpis #420588

! #420588   2020-05-02 00:16
Удивительно устроен мир: дешевая одноразовая попса известна всем и звучит из каждого утюга, причем через неделю забывается. А по-настоящему талантливые проекты, необычные, самобытные и самодостаточные, часто остаются в тени. Знакомьтесь: Ace Ages https://iceages.bandcamp.com .Подписчиков в вк - аж 372 человека. Последний альбом готовился к выходу несколько лет, так как Рихард Ледерер (легендарный человек в своем кругу) вкладывается в музыку по полной и оттачивает каждый звук. Необычно - да. Потому что делается от души, а не на мимолетную потеху толпе.


Polub + 7     3
1Shahmatist Solver Rank  2020-05-03 03:07 + 7
Compare to pop music and such "hard" styles, which includes presented you a musical group, it seems to me not quite correct. Each style of music has its admirers. Black metal is certainly an acquired taste, but the lyrical themes are always interesting for many groups. Liked the theme of Ice Ages - Forsaken. Thanks for discovering a new topic to listen to. The music is good. Especially when it's good music!
Oh, and don't swear much on krossvordista, particularly at compilers of crossword puzzles. They always try, I assure you. wink good
Acceleration  2020-05-04 09:12 + 4
Each genre has its own "zest" good interestingly, the favorite genre is just BM. Now for the first time listened to of electronics in a similar performance, cool, che said, I hope I can catch up again. Quite complex music really is in terms of understanding, many people are not prepared for such a sound. Sorry, it is so feeling the music in metal go, would tear off hands hitrec
Finist  2020-05-05 00:27 + 2
Acceleration, well, that's just on the new albums Ice Ages while hope does not have, unfortunately ( the Main project is considered Lederer of Summoning, but there he releases albums once in five years. Moreover, that produces rare - so also gives the old minimum...
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