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Turniej #17611 «Night Pyramid Mobile»

Mahjong pyramid with smartphone size (max 7x11)
Czas serwera: 2025-03-04 01:28
TurniejFundusz nagródOcena Rozpoczęcie rejestracji Rozpoczęcie turniejuWycieczkaWkładminut na wycieczkę Członkowie
#17611 Piramida Mahjonga Night Pyramid Mobileround Fundusz nagród200   +1 ∞ R09.07 09:3009.07 23:00 7/7Wolny10 (6)8 / 8

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Theraaa 43 Solver Rank
2023-07-09 23:24
What does Berger means in storing? Next to points?

Polub + 3     5
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2023-07-09 23:41 + 1
I'm not really sure, it's somehow related to the place you land in. The higher it is, the better, if I remember correctly
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2023-07-09 23:42 + 2
According to Wikipedia,
"The Sonneborn–Berger score (or the Neustadtl score) is a scoring system often used to break ties in chess tournaments. It is computed by summing the conventional score of each defeated opponent, and half the conventional score of each drawn"
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GingerMartian Online 51 Solver Rank
2023-07-09 23:49
@Theraaa, you won, congrats! :)

Polub + 3     0
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