⎕ ⍆

елена ковалева @elena130761

россия, Zarejestrowany: 2018-01-07 11:38
Ostatni wpis: 2025-03-06 06:33   47 32.7%  

Zagadka (2) Znajdź w katalogu

Nagrody (4)

Liga Brązowa
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /belpics/id387533   2024-05-11 20:31

Плачевно...Редко стала заходить на сайт,после того как изменили поиск нужных файлов.Закон-сначало редко,а потом вообще никак.Теряете подписчиков,уважаемые...

Polub + 0     3
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2024-05-11 20:14 + 5

просто интересно какие файлы вы имеете ввиду , а головоломки все ищутся легко

olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2024-05-11 20:24 + 4

я вот специально белпазлы глянула там столько сделали по поиску что уже дальше некуда

olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2024-05-11 20:31 + 5


elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /belpics/id395615   2024-05-06 20:28

Не пойму,что стало с настройками???Не могу теперь задать в настройках параметр с числами и без чисел.Было нормально,зачем все портить? Вам ,что,игроки не нужны???Если и дальше так будет,вряд ли я останусь здесь...Пока найдешь,то что тебе надо полдня пройдет!!!

Polub + 0     2
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2024-05-06 19:45 + 2
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2024-05-06 20:28 + 2


elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /stickypuzzles/id343666   2022-07-29 20:58
второй уже не уходит,больше не буду собирать.удовольствие отбито!!! Я имею ввиду липкие пазлы!

Polub + 2     4
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2022-07-29 03:39 + 2
У меня собрался нормально (виндоус 8, 64 бит, хром последняя версия). Пишите, с какого браузера и операционки собираете, если проблема со стороны сайта - саппорт пофиксит
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2022-07-29 20:04 + 3
А я не понимаю что значит не уходит, куда он должен уйти.
Pokaż wszystkie komentarze
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
The mission is great,but at one point 18 in this very little time,sorry...

Polub + 4     5
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-12-14 18:50 + 3
Time there enough in comparison with how to solve them added for 10 minutes and not less than 5 gold stars to prove it.
veeera 31 Solver Rank  2020-04-29 13:22 + 3
the time may have enough, not whether they are straight, I'm Your mission, everything is decided on the roundabout, but it is simply a exam of some kind
Pokaż wszystkie komentarze
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/krasnie_maki_10h   2021-03-08 00:01
Collected happy,very much!!! Thank you!!!

Polub + 3     1
nettaly 52  2021-03-08 00:01 + 2
Благодарю за отзыв :)
Приглашаю в микс-миссию:
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
Great mission,thanks to the author!!!drugandrugandrugan

Polub + 3     1
nettaly 52  2021-03-02 13:42 + 2
Благодарю за отзыв :)
Миссия по маджонгу с подарком в последнем этапе :)
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/aleksandr_hodyukov   2020-08-31 10:30

Polub + 3     1
nettaly 52  2020-08-31 10:30 + 1
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/kulinarnie_termini   2020-04-20 19:07
Loved it!!!flowsflowsflows

Polub + 2     1
nettaly 52  2020-04-20 19:07 + 1
Thanks for the feedback :)
Mission aviation took place? :)
elena130761 47 Solver Rank

Polub + 3     1
nettaly 52  2020-04-16 23:57 + 1
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/maslenitsa_10x_i_13x   2020-04-13 22:10
Very cool!!! But...there is one drawback-it is impossible to solve on an empty stomach,drool flowing from such vkusnotischi!!! The joke,of course. Great mission,thank you!!!

Polub + 2     1
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-04-13 22:10 + 2
Please cvety
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/belarus_10h   2020-04-06 20:25
Great mission!!! Time for the solution abound,I passed on one breath.Thanks to the author!!!hahahahahaha

Polub + 3     1
nettaly 52  2020-04-06 20:25 + 1
Please :)
Invited to a combined mission "guess the fragment" and "Multipath"
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
Very interesting mission.Thanks to the author for a selection of cars.I liked it!!! Over time, too, all right,thanks again!!!flowsflowersflowsflowers

Polub + 2     1
nettaly 52  2020-04-06 19:17 + 1
Thank you for the feedback :)
Also the mission with a variety of cars you can go here:
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
And I liked it! Mission interesting,thank you!!!flowsflowers

Polub + 2     1
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-04-05 00:35 + 2
Please cvety
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/fabrizio_caforio   2020-03-27 19:36
Mission very much!!! Thanks to the author!!!

Polub + 3     1
nettaly 52  2020-03-27 19:36 + 3
Thank you for the review :) Chocolate chip cookies! :)
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/pazli_s_solntsem_10h   2020-03-16 00:59
Very beautiful mission.Like crazy!!! Thanks to the author!!!ladoshiladoshiladoshiklassklassklass

Polub + 3     1
nettaly 52  2020-03-16 00:59 + 2
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
The mission was interesting,and over time, the author guessed,thanks a lot!!!porukamporukamporukam

Polub + 3     1
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-03-15 14:41 + 2
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/anemon   2020-03-11 18:06
It was interesting to collect,and by the time everything is fine,Thanks for the mission,I liked it!!!aplodaplodaplodaplodaplodaplodaplod

Polub + 2     1
nettaly 52  2020-03-11 18:06 + 1
Thank you for the informative review :)
I Invite you to gather cherry blossoms in the wind
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/vesna_v_zhivopisi_   2020-02-16 23:57
Thank you so much for the mission.This is one of the most beautiful missions I've collected!Super!!!ladoshiladoshiladoshi

Polub + 2     1
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-16 23:57 + 2
Please cvety
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
To say gorgeous is to say nothing!!!SUPER!!!Had a great fun.Thanks to the author!!!Bravo!!!aplodaplodaplodaplodaplod

Polub + 3     1
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-02-06 22:41 + 2
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
The mission is really gorgeous,gathered with pleasure.

Polub + 3     1
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-01-29 21:33 + 2
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/susan_wheeler   2019-12-26 22:32
Wonderful mission,it was very interesting to collect.Thank you!!!

Polub + 2     1
nettaly 52  2019-12-26 22:32 + 2
Please :)
I Invite to a mission in a fabulously beautiful castle
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
Boring...There are a few interesting pictures,and all the cakes,pies...didn't like alas...

Polub + 4     1
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-12-08 23:04 + 5
Not much !!! Don't play, I'd love Your mission to rate and tell me how bad it was.
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
Thanks for the mission!!! Excellent!!!

Polub + 2     1
nettaly 52  2019-12-04 17:58 + 2
Thank you for the review :) Really glad you liked it :)
Invited to a road trip (the puzzles, the usual mission without additional information in the descriptions):
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /missions/jacek_yerka   2019-11-24 21:48

Polub + 2     1
nettaly 52  2019-11-24 21:48 + 2
Thank you for your appreciation :)
Invited to the educational mission:
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
Thank you!!!Loved it!!!

Polub + 2     1
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2019-11-23 20:55 + 2
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
Какие милые собачки!!!Обожаю!!!serdceserdceserdceserdceserdcesobakasobakasobakasobakasobaka

Polub + 1     1
nata8vas3 48 Solver Rank  2018-05-26 00:24 + 0
haha sobaka sun
elena130761 47 Solver Rank
! /puzzle/online/zima_v_posyolke   2018-04-14 17:52
Красота-то какая!!!!

Polub + 2     1
nettaly 52  2018-04-14 17:52 + 1
Спасибо за отзыв :) Когда увидела картинку - очень детство напомнило ded
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