⎕ ⍆


Солонешное, Алтай, Zarejestrowany: 2016-02-26 11:51
Ostatni wpis: 2023-11-30 22:17   45 0.5%  

Nagrody (13)


Ranking turniejowy ELO

- 2180
- 2022
- 1994
- 1902
- 1872
- 1819
- 1807
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- 1674
- 1654
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- 1571
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/15250   2023-01-28 18:40
А пятый тур не открывается - "Доступ к этой странице ограничен"

Polub + 3     3
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2023-01-28 18:34 + 5
Ну просто вы в этом туре не заявлены, поэтому не открывается.
LenaNSolon 45  2023-01-28 18:38 + 3
Точно! Первый раз играю по такой системе, думала, тут всё для всех :)
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2023-01-28 18:40 + 4
Неа там хитрая система сама один раз забылась smeh
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/15061   2023-01-09 19:58
S.I.A, ой, как хорошо, что Вы выиграли))) Уже и спина болит, и глазки не видят. Пошла я спать, а Вам - удачи! :)

Polub + 5     1
S.I.A 53 Solver Rank  2023-01-09 19:58 + 3
LenaNSolon 45
! /polipuzzles/id218431   ! #577664   2023-01-08 18:17
Старая канатная дорога на горнолыжном комплексе Манжерок, республика Алтай. Вдали река Катунь и село Манжерок. Сейчас на линии комфортабельные закрытые кабинки.

Polub + 7     6
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2023-01-08 17:10 + 4
А точно не Сочи потому что Автор другое писал когда то.
LenaNSolon 45  2023-01-08 17:15 + 4
Точно-точно, своими глазами видела))) Не знаю, как будет выглядеть ссылка на Яндекс карты, там вид точно такой же.
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LenaNSolon 45
! /forum/temy/14   ! #577489   2023-01-07 18:24
Народ, с новым годом!
Редко здесь бываю, подскажите, какие сейчас правила? Есть ВИП доступ, Премиум, Удача и Удвоитель, сколько можно активировать одновременно? Есть смысл активировать все? Помню те весёлые времена, когда можно было активировать 6 бустеров, и они все работали)) Как сейчас?

Polub + 8     15
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2023-01-07 16:28 + 7
С Новым годом) Бустеры можно активировать только по одному, два и более одновременно - нельзя. Бустер действует ровно 8 часов, на верхзней панели (где-то рядом с ником) должно отображаться время до окончания действия бустера.
Можно активировать или ВИП. или Премиум, оба одновременно - нельзя
Бустеры можно активировать и с ВИПом. и с Премиумом. ВИП умножает дроп на 3, емнип, а Премиум - на 2. Т.е., если вы решаете головоломку с дропом х2, Премиум вам даст дропх4 (2*2), ВИП - дропх6 (2*3).
Как-то так)
LenaNSolon 45  2023-01-07 16:33 + 6
Спасибо большое за обстоятельный ответ))
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LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/3819   2020-04-10 14:28
NATAKAPA, congratulations! shari
Flashlight is not mine))

Polub + 2     2
Lena2020 48  2020-04-10 14:26 + 0
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-04-10 14:28 + 1
THANK you!!!! Here I was not expecting that, @LenaNSolon. She has recently started to solve them! :get_five:
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/3819   2020-04-10 14:10
That's lucky!dance

Polub + 2     2
Lena2020 48  2020-04-10 14:03 + 1
Good luck, I have chips again inhibited, I fly out in the 1st round :)fly
LenaNSolon 45  2020-04-10 14:10 + 2
Thank you))
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/3664   2020-03-30 16:39
Well, again, 8 seconds in the end increased. Cho do?

Polub + 2     7
LenaNSolon 45  2020-03-30 14:03 + 2
well, wouldn't they me :)
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-03-30 14:05 + 2
In the morning everything was fine. Recently again started braking at me.
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LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/3653   2020-03-29 19:01
not, well, interested, first downloaded more than a minute, and then at the end of a few seconds is added. And now the emoticons are not displayed :[

Polub + 2     8
LenaNSolon 45  2020-03-29 18:17 + 2
seriously, decide for 27 seconds,time stops 44. mat
LenaNSolon 45  2020-03-29 18:30 + 2
Now only part of the field open...
@Support, please do so in the Mahjong button to Check.
And I'm outta here, this is not a game mat
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LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/3603   2020-03-25 18:30
Something website podzavis, decided for 1:27, but time walked and walked...

Polub + 3     6
LenaNSolon 45  2020-03-25 18:24 + 3
decided fifth round, time did not stop, came out, the decision is not counted.
Lena2020 48  2020-03-25 18:26 + 2
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LenaNSolon 45
! /differences/id160458   2020-03-23 17:59
one petal counts as two errors?

Polub + 3     2
nettaly 52  2020-03-23 17:45 + 2
Yes, I also have there two differences were found, although this is clearly one.
Tane4ka 50 Solver Rank  2020-03-23 17:59 + 3
It was necessary to look at the verification stage, when the program found the extra difference - apparently there is a gray color on the petal as a background and it to two differences was divided. It happened to me, had to redo it somehow so that the program correctly found the difference, or remove completely.
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/3568   2020-03-23 10:22
Good luck to everyone! podmig

Polub + 8     1
Lena2020 48  2020-03-23 10:22 + 3
Thank you, same to:get_five:
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/3549   2020-03-20 06:24
11th round - I give up, had two intermediate results, but neither one nor the other to bring to the end can not slezy

Polub + 3     3
Acceleration 34  2020-03-19 23:45 + 3
Don't give up! There is a strict chain of 10-15 individual moves. And the solution looks exactly like a narrow path in the woods, she was alone, the others quickly topcoats. Just great it beforehand, undoing moves, and everything is easy to find, but impossible to turn off! Knowing your speed, you comb a couple of minutes good
LenaNSolon 45  2020-03-20 05:32 + 4
What do You mean! My "loss of pulse," any time I want to make several points bozhe But thanks for the support!
LenaNSolon 45  2020-03-20 06:24 + 4
Well, the Sutra it goes)) Rather, understood. Thanks to those who believed in me kiss
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/3466   2020-03-18 16:44
the eighth round seems unsolvable

Polub + 3     2
bear08 47 Solver Rank  2020-03-18 16:31 + 3
I thought so too. The problem with 10 the cross?
LenaNSolon 45  2020-03-18 16:44 + 3
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/3460   2020-03-15 22:16
NATAKAPA, congratulations! cvety:get_five:

Polub + 5     5
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-03-15 20:32 + 3
thankyoucvety Long fussed - thought lost.
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-03-15 20:40 + 4
@NATAKAPA of victory vinnershari
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LenaNSolon 45
! /klyuchvordy/id116071   2020-02-29 14:47
spoiler tournament Kluczbork
a Set of specific words, but to the local cluborlov quite familiar, to those who are used to yogurt, yezhovshchina and Eurasianism, it will be easy :)

Polub + 4     1
Wikka 45 Solver Rank  2020-02-29 14:47 + 2
Yogurt is more tolerable! But "Executive Committee" that only the older generation remembers, Yes...smeh
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2925   2020-02-16 12:59
Well, it this your handicap, and these are your ratings besh

Polub + 3     2
LenaNSolon 45  2020-02-16 12:30 + 5
on the last round only in the prizes came out pont
Lena2020 48  2020-02-16 12:59 + 2
LenaNSolon 45
! /forum/four/1   ! #395514   2020-02-12 20:01
Good evening everyone!
Such a problem. When in the "fours" click "Start game" it is clicked (changes color), the cell that was under the cursor (under the label "Start game" ); unless, of course, it was empty by the condition. It always happens when I get on an empty cell. Was anyone right?

Polub + 4     4
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-02-12 16:23 + 2
I have the same thing. Need to check after you open and clean the cage, which is free (the rest should be in the box, that is, they cannot be changed)
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-02-12 16:26 + 2
Yes, I noticed that
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LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2496   2020-02-04 15:46
And as the prize Fund will be distributed?

Polub + 2     1
LenaNSolon 45  2020-02-04 15:46 + 2
Found)) Winner 60%, second place 20%, 3-4E - 10%.
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2361   2020-02-03 15:09
Let's make bets))
what do you think 15-08 first round end?
I think not :)

Polub + 3     2
bear08 47 Solver Rank  2020-02-03 15:08 + 3
No, not over.wall
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-02-03 15:09 + 2
The tour is not over, but the player appeared...
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2361   2020-02-03 15:07
Support is not online, and wrote to the PM

Polub + 3     1
Lena2020 48  2020-02-03 15:07 + 2
I have things to do, I can't wait
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2496   2020-02-03 13:10
And this tournament is not to highlight his name? Or highlight somehow? We have become accustomed :)

Polub + 3     1
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2020-02-03 13:10 + 3
Yes,the list is long, long look for yourself. but nothing after a couple of tours a list will be much shorterdrinks
LenaNSolon 45
! /forum/nonograms/19   2020-01-29 19:44
Good evening!
Tell me how to solve Yapi on time? Somewhere to put a tick? Or to remove? :)

Polub + 2     7
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-01-29 19:29 + 3
the menu YAK (side) choose to solve without hints or answer gave the link
LenaNSolon 45  2020-01-29 19:35 + 2
Thanks, saw. That is, if I'm just in the tape I saw suitable for me, the YAK, went into it - there will be no competition speed?
wink spent too long on YAP, pancake)))
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LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2292   2020-01-25 11:16
In the avocado in the same cell color mixed up wall just noticed in the saved.
But in General - why am I here again got?! Why do I always think of black-and-white monogrammed when you register to these tournaments?!

Polub + 3     2
Percy 53 Solver Rank  2020-01-25 11:06 + 4
I guess You like nanograms as much as everyone here!
@B8831388, victory and prize!
LenaNSolon 45  2020-01-25 11:16 + 2
@B8831388, congratulations!
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2289   2020-01-24 20:04
Game porukam two rounds - two digits in the same order))

Polub + 4     1
Game 53 Solver Rank  2020-01-24 20:04 + 2
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2273   2020-01-21 18:22
Falls a lot of different images, such as "special items" are the penny, what to do with them?

Polub + 2     2
Lysva 44  2020-01-21 18:19 + 5
They had to create the pieces needed for the new achievements
LenaNSolon 45  2020-01-21 18:22 + 2
thank you
LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2260   2020-01-19 19:00
Uuuuh as it is today!

Polub + 6     8
Lena2020 48  2020-01-19 18:52 + 3
Decided not to participate in more turbo tournaments and participate againstar
Lena2020 48  2020-01-19 18:53 + 3
LenaNSolon, congratulationscvety
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LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2220   2020-01-14 15:29
Fifth, in my opinion, unsolvable

Polub + 3     6
mvt222 54 Solver Rank  2020-01-14 15:23 + 2
Yeah, looks like.
katerinafm 43  2020-01-14 15:24 + 3
Require continuation of the Banquet!
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LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2216   2020-01-13 18:47
smutil Three rounds in a row put in strange places and at random three rounds in a row rolls )

Polub + 1     4
anikina 54  2020-01-13 18:21 + 1
It's called luck. There are days good
Aasia 43  2020-01-13 18:26 + 3
and there are days when one round begins to fail, the slow cooker is squeaking all over the apartment, and a friend calling from work.ignatshocking
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LenaNSolon 45
! /filvordy/id117889   2020-01-13 09:41
to get as you decided for less than a minute?

Polub + 2     11
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-01-13 07:53 + 4
Using all available means. Achievements, they are all guilty. acute
LenaNSolon 45  2020-01-13 08:25 + 3
th-these smell like kerosene
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LenaNSolon 45
! /tournaments/2208   2020-01-12 18:58
Why is the prize "Man" in the results table, then one, then the other?

Polub + 3     4
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-01-12 18:52 + 2
LenaNSolon 45  2020-01-12 18:56 + 3
Well, Yes, understandable)) thank you. Usually do not know who got it, and then everyone jumped))
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