it is unclear who to contact site owners!? most users have no idea how to turn off ads or unlock disconnect, the browser already got a lock, where and what to disable -it is not clear it seems blunt themselves , do not want to go to meet the users, especially for those who can not ..... it's like a mockery! we are older and were not born in the computer age, and to respect age -not taught youth ... and now we "pay" for it! staged mouse horseplay, fighting for what? disgusting! how is using force will bring them more money!
Polub 4 2
2020-05-25 20:28
On the pictures it shows how to disable the blocker go forward is to charge users money . The owner of the site wrote everything , he had no money on content.
2020-06-18 01:42
If the site owner will charge for access to the website, it will lose almost all users. It's like everyone understands, what is written? On the is the owner has money enough to pay for the server and also on bread and butter remains, but the owner wants more. And he this leads. All of the content comes from users, not from the owners.
Tverianka Online Solver 44 Rank 2020-05-11 12:37 + 3 all in Aceasta
Terence good health! what is YAKI? I'm the same was about to leave, disgusted, when your hands twisting! most of the people did not put the blocker, disable and not able! so we're not needed here!
Polub 3 2
2020-05-15 20:57
YAKI is an abbreviation for the JAPANESE CROSSWORD puzzles
2020-05-15 22:25
Taiga men, do not no where to go, is not worse than the virus. There are failures in programs. Advertising for many sites a way to survive and not close. Good that the website gives you the opportunity to play for free. This is not always possible.
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