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Now I know it looks like a fantastic success with 1...

Percy 53 Solver Rank
! #391876   2020-02-01 14:48
Now I know it looks like a fantastic success with 1 drop and no boosters.

Polub + 8     4
Memo 45  2020-02-01 15:01 + 4
vverh caught chance 1 out of 100 000
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2020-02-01 15:07 + 2
star it's not too early
anikina 54  2020-02-01 15:43 + 4
Congratulations!!! cvety cvety cvety
Tverianka, it's not grave, it's Excalibur
Excalibur — the legendary sword of king Arthur, who is often credited with mystical and magical properties. Sometimes equated with Excalibur sword in the stone, which proved Arthur's right to the throne.
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-02-01 15:56 + 3
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