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The training mission for those who dont know how to...

Support 44
! #423282   2020-05-10 20:09
The training mission for those who don't know how to play Sokoban, but really wanted to learn: https://en.grandgames.net/missions/obuchayushchaya_missiya

Polub + 5     14
Lena2020 48  2020-05-10 20:20 + 4
Thanks, beginning, inch boxes, but at least start to understand how to play it :)
ovawiss 44  2020-05-10 21:16 + 4
@Memo, great idea!
@Lena2020, boldly forward, for you nothing is impossible!
But here I have another question appeared. I in missions nothing at all, but for the love of sokobano decided to try this. And noticed that the back time added compensation. That is, if I press "play" after 10 seconds of the countdown, and then decided level for three seconds, then eventually get a time of 13 seconds. Is this true? Like this never happened before (or I didn't notice?)
Lena2020 48  2020-05-10 21:27 + 1
ovawiss, yeah I'm stuck at the last stage together with stones, shut down all outputsflag

olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-05-10 21:29 + 2
The idea of compensation actually taken away. is just compensation for the download. Well, more precisely, the Memo might say.
Lena2020 48  2020-05-10 21:36 + 1
Decided what I'm blunted and I don't knowwhat
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-05-10 21:37 + 1
@Memo, I'm in this mission time is considered to be wrong.
ovawiss 44  2020-05-10 21:38 + 3
So I think that had to be taken away. So the mission is impossible to pass - I have a puzzle loaded in 4-5 seconds, and the time to level - 7 seconds. It turns out that we need two seconds to decide to meet, but this is unrealistic...
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-05-10 21:40 + 3
And I wanted to about the time to write that it is the gesture but was too shy to make comments to the Chef. ignat
ovawiss 44  2020-05-10 21:46 + 1
No, if real-time into account (not to add the boot time), it is the available time indicated.
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-05-10 21:47 + 2
@ovawiss, load time is not considered. Now a few times in stage 1 had change one's mind: in the puzzle, the timer displays from 1 to 3 seconds. In the end of the mission from 7 to 10 seconds. A failure, before it was not so.
ovawiss 44  2020-05-10 21:55 + 2
Hooray, everything worked!
Support 44  2020-05-10 21:58 + 3
Yes, fixed
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-05-10 22:17 + 2
smeh and I thought I share this turtle, and was a glitch , now I have at least silver. yahoo
Vi2 45 Solver Rank  2020-05-15 22:41 + 2
On some other website time if not moving, is not considered. I was surprised to see that they had gone almost half an hour, leaving the puzzle unsolved, was surprised the timer, but as soon as I touched the mouse, the timer now. How it's done - I'll never know. Also lack of information on the number of moves and the history of these moves (one way): sometimes I would like to see how they managed to solve it, but alas. Somewhere there was a comment about that, well, move-moved, the boxes made, but again could not.
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